Sunday, May 10, 2009

color is crazy

i fell asleep on my living room floor on thurs and when i woke up on friday, i had a bite on my arm. It was pretty itchy and as the day progressed, the bite seemed to get bigger. Then a bubble started to form and filled with liquid/puss. Then on saturday i went surfing, (and i also saw lea running by diamond head) and the bubble popped. My mom said it looked pretty bad so she called the doc and we went to see him today. He looked at my bite and said "WHoa da ting is ugly!" He said it was infected. What does this have to do with physics you might ask?

Well i went to go pick up my antibiotics and was about to open the bottle to take one. I noticed the funky green color of the pills and thought it was pretty cool. When i opened up the orange/yellow bottle, i realized the pills were actually blue!!! i thought to myself, whoa, it looks green through the plastic container, but its actually a cyan-ish color. PHYSICS!!! cyan is made up of blue and green. The orange/yellow bottle is made up of green and red. Sunlight has red, blue and green light rays. The bottle reflects green and red light but allows blue through. If it hadn't been for physics, i would have thought i was going crazy!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


i was playing some Beethoven on my keyboard the other day and realized that there was a lot of physics involved in the music i was making. Each time i pressed down on a key, sound waves were produced and came out of the speakers. These longitudinal mechanical waves moved through the medium, air, to my ear. i played the note A, and remembered that A has a frequency of 440 Hz. i moved down the keyboard and played another A. This note was an octive lower and therefore had a frequency of 220 Hz.

Monday, April 6, 2009


So tonight i was listening to some kelly clarkson, my favorite american idol, and the music was pretty lound. My dad came into my room and told me to turn it down. so i turned down the volume and the music got softer. I quickly realized that this simple act is an example of physics. As i turned down the volume i decreased the sound intensity. Sound intensity is the sound of power per unit of area (intensity=power/area) Turning the volume knob down on my amplifier decreased power to the speakers and therefore decreased the intensity of sound. This same action also decreased the sound level. Sound level is the loudness. While sound intensity is objective, sound level is subjective.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

thank goodness for magnets!!!

this weekend i went on a long hiking trip through the mountains. i only brought with me a water bottle, three matches, a pocket knife, and a compass. about two hours into my trek, i noticed i had no idea where i was and that i was lost. luckily i had my trusty compass!!! the earth has a magnetic north and south pole. (north pole of earth= south pole of magnet and vice versa) when the red needle on the compass points north, it is actually being attracted by the earth's magnetic south pole. the geographic poles and magnetic poles of earth are not at the same place. the angle between them is known as the angle of declination. thanks to the earth's magnetic poles, i was able to find my way.

Monday, February 16, 2009

guitar amps and variable resistors

so i was cleaning up my room this weekend and stumbled across my old guitar amp. as i was looking at it i realized that the amp had a lot to do with physics! We had just learned about variable resistors in class this past week and i noticed that the amp has a variable resistor to control the volume. i learned from the equation that resistance depends on resistivity, cross sectional area, and length. As i turn the knob to increase the volume, the length of the conductive material shortens. This results in less resistance, therefore allowing electrons to flow through at a faster rate. as i turn the volume knob down, the length increases, resulting in higher resistance. The electrons to flow slower and the current is decreased which causes a decrease in the sound output.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


so i was in my room listening to some music trying to think of what i should do for my physics journal. and then i realized, hey! there must be some physics in my speakers playing the music. I was very interested to see how it all worked so i went to my trusty text book to learn more about this concept of sound. Sound waves are longitudinal waves that move through a medium like air. I noticed that my speakers vibrate forward and backward. The speakers are actually causing the air or medium to compress and decompress. When the speaker comes forward the air compresses causing the particles to become closer together. This region is of higher pressure and is known as condensation. When the speaker diaphragm pulls back, is creates rarefraction, or an area with fewer particles and lower pressure.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Today i wanted to watch the super bowl, so i sat down on my couch and grabbed the remote. When i tried to turn on the tv; however, it wouldn't go on. I pushed and pushed, and nothing happened. I was almost ready to give up and not watch it at all, until my sister brought me over a fresh pair of batteries. Batteries are sources of eletric potential energy. The batteries in the remote have a positive and negative terminal (different electric potentials). The voltage of the AA batteries in the remote control is 1.5V. A chemical reaction inside the battery creates electrons. The metal springs in the remote connect the battery's negative and positive ends. The electrons collect on the negative end of the battery, and move towards the positive end. By doing this and completing the circuit, the batteries give the remote control power to change channels.