Sunday, May 10, 2009

color is crazy

i fell asleep on my living room floor on thurs and when i woke up on friday, i had a bite on my arm. It was pretty itchy and as the day progressed, the bite seemed to get bigger. Then a bubble started to form and filled with liquid/puss. Then on saturday i went surfing, (and i also saw lea running by diamond head) and the bubble popped. My mom said it looked pretty bad so she called the doc and we went to see him today. He looked at my bite and said "WHoa da ting is ugly!" He said it was infected. What does this have to do with physics you might ask?

Well i went to go pick up my antibiotics and was about to open the bottle to take one. I noticed the funky green color of the pills and thought it was pretty cool. When i opened up the orange/yellow bottle, i realized the pills were actually blue!!! i thought to myself, whoa, it looks green through the plastic container, but its actually a cyan-ish color. PHYSICS!!! cyan is made up of blue and green. The orange/yellow bottle is made up of green and red. Sunlight has red, blue and green light rays. The bottle reflects green and red light but allows blue through. If it hadn't been for physics, i would have thought i was going crazy!